Your Guide to Goal-Getting in 2023

your guide to goal-getting - 3-part series and PDF workbook

2023 Goal Setting Guide for Small Businesses, Personal Brands, and Creative Entrepreneurs

It’s about this time of year when everyone thinks about setting New Year’s resolutions, or as I like to call them – surface-level statements that don’t actually help you OR move the needle forward at all.

…Yeah, I said it. Let’s continue, shall we?

Around December and January, you’ll see a lot of new programs, masterminds, courses, and podcast episodes, all claiming that they can help you “finally find clarity in your business” and give you the “3 hacks you need to succeed in the new year.” In short, there’s a LOT of distractions and noise going around. 

meme of Jim Halpert from the office

Now, I’m not knocking these programs & resources. They’re around because they do work…for some people. But, if you’re anything like me, any time someone throws the phrase “let me help you find clarity” in your face, you probably think: “Alright. 1: what does that even mean, and 2: how?!”

If you want to be successful, lead a fulfilling life, and make it BIG (whatever your definition of that may be), you absolutely need to set real, achievable goals. After that, you need to create a plan on how to actually accomplish them.

That’s where I come in – welcome to Your Guide to Goal-Getting: A 3-part series.

Before we go any further, click here to purchase Your Guide to Goal-Getting for $10 to fill out while you read!

Your Guide to Goal-Getting - purchase for $10

Alright, got your guide? Let’s get started!

  1. Review: Where are you now?
  2. Intentions: Where do you want to go?
  3. Plan: How are you going to get there?

Happy goal getting,

About the author

Hi there! I’m Emily, and I’m a brand photographer for passionate leaders who want to turn the tide of their industry. 

I, my (dog) daughter, and my fiancé are based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here at Emily Kim Photography, I provide creative, strategic brand photos for personal brands who are ready to stand out in their market.

To save time and edit your photos to stand out from the scroll, get my mobile preset pack. To set up a 20-minute brand consult with me, click here.

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