I’m Emily, founder of Emily Kim Co! We're a team of brand photographers & videographers, and we work with passionate small business owners who are ready to scale and stand out as local industry leaders.

We're based in Boston, MA and the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Here at Emily Kim Co, we provide creative, strategic marketing imagery & videos that attract YOUR ideal audience.

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How much does personal brand photography cost in 2024?

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If you’re here, you’ve probably realized that brand photography is absolutely essential when it comes to marketing and growing your business. So, as a personal brand or solo entrepreneur, how much does brand photography cost?

brand photo of travel influencer sitting on a white couch
brand photo looking over the shoulder of a woman looking at instagram on her phone

Brand photography packages: what to look for

When it comes to brand photography packages, there are a few key elements to look for:

  • Planning: Your brand photographer should take you through a planning process before photoshoot day. This is to ensure that your photographer will create images that are aligned with your business needs and goals. If they do not take you through a planning process, I would ask why.

  • Time: Branding photoshoot packages can range anywhere from 1 hour to a whole day. Something to keep in mind is, what is your energy level like? Some people can be in front of the camera all day, while others might get tired after a couple of hours.

    All photographers have different preferences, and everyone works differently. What’s more important are the below factors such as number of images and different outfits.

  • Number of outfits: The more outfits that are included in your photoshoot, the more variety you will have in your final gallery. This is what you want! I promise, you WILL get tired of seeing yourself in the same outfit over and over again. Opt for packages that include more time or a higher number of outfits so you can change.

  • Number of images: You’ll want to book a package that delivers a higher number of images. The reason is because you probably don’t know where you’ll use all the images yet, and whether you’ll need a vertical or a horizontal photo. Find a photographer that includes variety in composition so you have options when you start using your photos.

  • Add Ons: Remember that there can be additional costs outside of the photography fee itself. here are other items to consider:
    • Studio rental: Where will the photoshoot take place? Will you need to rent an additional location via a website like Peerspace? (Here is my affiliate link – you can save $50 on your first rental.)

    • Hair and makeup: Does your photographer include professional hair and makeup in the package, or is that something you need to book separately? I highly recommend booking a professional because on-camera makeup is different from every day makeup.

    • Outfits and/or wardrobe stylist: Do you need to purchase additional outfits for your photoshoot, or do you have enough in your closet already? If you have no idea what to wear, does your photographer offer a wardrobe consult or a referral for a professional wardrobe stylist?

    • Props: Do you have everything you need, or will you need to purchase additional props to create more variety in your photoshoot?

Now that you know what to look for in a brand photography package, we can discuss what the pricing looks like.

brand photo of a wardrobe stylist measuring a client with a tape measure
brand photo for a wardrobe stylist, flat lay of color analysis tools and props

Brand photography cost, pricing, and considerations

There are several different pricing models that personal brand photographers use, and you’ll find that everyone uses something different. Here are the most common pricing models:

  1. Per image pricing: Sometimes you’ll see packages where the photographer charges a lower “sitting” or “booking” fee ($300-$500), and then you purchase only the images you want after the fact. Per image pricing can range anywhere from $10-$100+ per image, and some photographers will have a minimum purchase requirement.
  2. Hourly pricing: With hourly pricing, photographers will charge a fee per hour and include a certain number of images per hour. Beginner brand photographers might charge $150-$500 per hour, and experienced brand photographers might charge $800-$1500 per hour on set.
  3. Package pricing / flat fee: This is my preferred pricing method — a single, flat fee that includes a certain number of hours, images, and outfits. Flat fee pricing can range anywhere from $1,000-$5,000 for a few hours, and full day sessions are higher.
  4. Day rates and half day rates: This is the same as package pricing and flat fees, but offered in half-day and full-day formats. A half can range anywhere from $1,500-$5,000 and a full day can range anywhere from $5,000-$10,000+.

Please keep in mind that these are just estimates, and every photographer will price differently and includes different elements in their packages. This is meant to serve as a guide and not a negotiation point with your photographer.

Sometimes, photographers will combine the different pricing models. For example, you could see a day rate that includes 50 images, and then you can purchase more images individually.

There is no one pricing model that is better than the other — what matters is that you get the results you need within the budget you set.

brand photo of a woman reading a book and looking off to the side
brand photo of a financial coach speaking with a microphone

How much is the total investment for brand photography?

Really, it depends. For brand photography alone, I would budget at least $1,000 for an entry level photographer, and upwards of $4,000-$10,000+ for a more experienced brand photographer.

When you book a photographer with more experience, you are getting more variety and use out of your photos, meaning your photos will last longer. If you book a less experienced photographer, you’re saving on budget, but you might need to book a refresh photoshoot sooner.

overhead shot of a woman working on a laptop on a coffee table with a glass of wine

Pricing tips for photographers

If you’re a personal brand photographer wondering, “how do I price myself as a photographer?” I have a whole YouTube video on how to create your prices and packages.

You can also check out my Photography Pricing Calculator, which will show you exactly how to create your packages and how much to charge based on your expenses and revenue goals.

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I’m Emily, founder of Emily Kim Co! We're a team of brand photographers & videographers, and we work with passionate small business owners who are ready to scale and stand out as local industry leaders.

We're based in Boston, MA and the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Here at Emily Kim Co, we provide creative, strategic marketing imagery & videos that attract YOUR ideal audience.

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