At some point in time, you’ve probably heard a photographer say, “now booking mini sessions!!” But, what even is a mini session? 🤔 Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about today! So buckle up, and let’s get to it!

What is a mini session?
Mini photoshoots, otherwise known as mini sessions, are when a photographer selects a predetermined date and location for a day of short photoshoots. Typically, these photoshoots are anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour-long. Mini sessions are usually the most inexpensive package that a photographer offers.
Now, the reason photographers are able to keep the cost so low is because these sessions take place back-to-back. That means, a photographer can book more clients on mini session days than they would book on any regular ole day. And, since mini sessions are in one location, the photographer is able to save on travel costs and travel time. That’s how the photographer is able to keep costs low for mini sessions!
Now that we know what mini sessions are, let’s talk about when to book a mini session versus a full Brand Experience Photoshoot.

When you should book a mini session
Mini sessions are great for when you’re first starting out and have never had a photoshoot done before. They’re a fantastic way to try things out and get a good understanding of your photography needs and aesthetic. Mini sessions, because they ARE mini (and shorter in length), will not be as catered and specific to your brand.
If you’re an established brand, minis are great if you need only a couple of specific shots, like for a new headshot or a quick brand collaboration. They’re also great if you want a few family brand photos – that way, we have one less thing to coordinate on your big Brand Experience photoshoot days!
When you should book a full session
If you’re wanting photos that look specific and special to you and your brand, mini sessions aren’t the way to go. If you’ve got a launch, an ad campaign, a rebrand or a site that you want photos for, you’ll want to move forward with a larger and more complex shoot that yields more photos. This will allow time for your photographer to plan an appropriate shot and location list, and you’ll be able to bring the props and wardrobe you need while having ample time to change and switch things up.
(You can read more information on my full brand shoot called the Brand Experience Photoshoot here. Also – I travel!)

Frequently asked questions about mini sessions
Can I book a mini session and use it at a later date? Nope. This defeats the purpose for the photographer. The reason they are able to keep the cost so low for mini sessions is because clients arrive one after another at the same location. This means the photographer is able to save on travel costs and time.

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