meet your goal-setting dream team
every entrepreneur should surround themselves with these 4 people

There’s so much language about goals and how to reach them. Be a goal-getter. Make them S.M.A.R.T. Set small goals to reach big goals. I could go on and on, but I’ll spare you all the goals vernacular. Well, except one more. Crushing your goals.
But does anyone else out there feel that instead of crushing your goals they’re crushing you???
With goals come massive expectations.
To crush or be crushed… 🤔
Often when we think about goal setting, we think about tools and measures. What are we going to do to reach them? What are the obstacles to our goals? When should I aim to reach them? How will we accomplish them? Why is this the goal?
Our goal-setting process is clouded with questions. But what if we’re missing a pivotal question? Could we be overlooking something?
In the middle of the what, when, how, and why questions, we can forget to ask, or simply assume, “Who?”
Now I know you’re thinking, “The who is me. They’re my goals.”
Yes, they’re your goals. But maybe the way you move from being crushed to crushing your goals is by building a team.
Here’s the new question we’re going to ask together, “Who needs to be on my team to help me reach these goals?”
Luckily for you, I’m going to suggest an answer for you with the 4 types of people you need for your goal-setting dream team.

the cheerleader
2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate 📣
Hopefully, there’s someone on your team who would answer this question, “You!”
When it comes to goal setting, we’ve all hit a wall. We reach an obstacle that seems insurmountable. Doubt creeps into our minds, and we wonder, “Can I really do this? Do I have what it takes?”
In these moments, we need a good friend — or a few — who remind us we can. We need cheerleaders.
As a small business owner, entrepreneur, blogger, or influencer, you already do so much. Trust me, I understand. When we’re too deep in our processes and plans, we need someone who believes in us.
Guess what? I bet you already know who this is. Someone came to mind immediately when you started reading.
But how does this person or these people fit into goal setting?
When you set your goals, send them to your cheerleader(s). Invite them to check in with you throughout the year. Don’t wait until you’re drowning to get some encouragement. Set regular check-ins to give you the boost to keep crushing your goals all year.

the list legend
Consider this… when I say color-coded tasks and schedules, what wells up in you?
Is it soothing calm over a well-organized to-do list? Or is it fear and dread???
If it’s the second, then you NEED someone who loves multi-colored pens, a list, and systems. Founders and entrepreneurs are notorious for bubbling with creativity and, well, lacking in organization. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t true for everyone.
To crush your goals, you MUST have systems, measures, and a strategy in place to make it happen. Or better yet, a person who thrives with spreadsheets and processes. Someone who can keep you on track when your creative heart takes over. When your dreams get a little too far ahead of reality. Maybe someone who can help you automate all the things you already do.
*Wink, wink* If that’s you, maybe I’m the person for your team. Sound interesting? Check out Align Through Automation VIP Days!

the finance fiend
🎵 It’s all about the money, money, money! 🎵
Well, maybe it’s not all about the money, but when it comes to goal setting, I’m going to guess at least one of your goals is financial. Maybe even several of your goals are financial.
That means someone has to keep an eye on your finances. Like I said earlier, you’re already doing a million things as an entrepreneur. Why not invite someone in to help you?
After all, most creatives don’t start off as accountants and financial advisers. If that’s you, props to you! 😉
Anyway, sometimes our goals can outrun our finances and resources. On those days, you need someone to kindly but firmly say, “You can’t do that!” Someone who doesn’t mind hurting your feelings a little. Someone who can hold you accountable and set you up for financial success.
Maybe it’s a friend or co-worker. Maybe it’s an accountant. Whoever it is, your team needs someone who is all about the money.

the brand photographer
Last, but not least… drum roll please… 🥁🥁🥁
You need a brand photographer.
Okay, okay. I’ll admit it. I think entrepreneurs are amazing, so I want to be part of your team too.
But seriously, someone on your team should be responsible for making you and your brand look good. After all, photos can convince potential partners, clients, and customers that you’re the person for the job.
But what’s that got to do with my goals? Glad you asked! 💁🏻♀️
Your goals are dependent on people knowing who you are. If they don’t know you or what you do, there’s no point to goal setting. You can’t reach them without recognition.
That’s where a brand photographer comes in!
Brand photography is an authentic way to tell your story strategically and intentionally, so it resonates with your dream clients. A creative way to educate your audience on what you do and who you do it for.
I’d be honored to be part of your goal-setting team, as a brand photographer or list legend!
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