“Emily, I can’t take good photos at home because my apartment is ugly.”
“I don’t have a nice camera, so I can’t take professional pictures for my business, website, or social media.”
“Photography is too overwhelming for me – I don’t have time to learn all that I need to learn to take a good photos.”
Friends, I’ve heard it all. And I’m here to tell you that anyone šš½ can šš½ take šš½ professional šš½ photos šš½ with šš½ just šš½ their šš½ phone!!!
I promise. It’ll take a couple of hours, and you need to know a teeny, tiny bit about lighting, but the small amount of time it will take you to learn the basics will pay off tenfold.
Don’t believe me? Check out these photos.
All shot on my iPhone XS with no fancy gear or equipment. Literally, just my phone! š±

But first: have you seen my vibrant lightroom mobile presets?
Before we get into the behind-the-scenes video, I’d like to invite you to grab my vibrant lightroom mobile presets so that your images can have the aesthetic of a professional photoshoot!

Without further ado, let’s check out the video, where I show you my totally DIY setup.
How to do an at home phone photoshoot

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